What is Budget Justification, Budget Narrative or Budget Detail?

Grant Writing at NPSCG Nonprofit Solutions Consulting Group

The budget narrative or budget justification or budget detail often used in federal grant applications is a key part of a grant proposal. Although every single section of the grant proposal is important, but, the budget justification or budget detail is one that requires even more attention.

The budget narrative is the section of the proposal that put forward the explanations about line items from the standard budget. 

  Grant writers, in contrary to creative writers do not have the luxury of utilizing colorful novelistic language to transmit their message, the grant writer must utilize her or his skills to explain how each penny will be spent and persuade the grant officer that his/her program or organization is the most qualify for the grant.   

The budget justification  in paragraph form describes how each line items in the budget will come cooperatively to project a precise target.

All the agencies have their own guide on how to present the budget justification. Credibility is a must-have for your proposal. One way you can obtain credibility is by crafting a very clear an precise budget detail; when the budget detail is well crafted, your proposal will receive more credibility in the eyes of the grant officer and the other board members.


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